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                                                     About Neal 

Neal Engelking graduated from Arizona State University in 1967 with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Psychology. Rather than going on to graduate school he chose to work in the business world for a few years and in 1972 went into residential real estate sales.

Neal started in sales with a significant handicap.  He was extremely shy,  depressed, over-weight, and suffered from severe state-fright. Not exactly the best combination of attributes for a career in sales!

In 1976, while practicing a speach in private, Neal accidently discovered a new and revolutionary idea that gave birth to what he has titled Accelerated-State Conditioning: A daily motivational routine designed to elevate mood and permanently change behavior.  

Neal benefited enormously using this routine daily; overcoming his depression, getting his weight and speaking fears under control and slowly increasing his sales production. 

Over the years, Neal continually "tweeked" his Accelerated-State Conditioning (ASC) routine while working in sales. He used the routine primarily for himself but occasionally sharing this knowledge with others.  Now, Neal states the routine gives him the ability to evoke  an " intense, natural high"  similar to a "runner's high" in less than five minutes resulting n a rapid escalation of positive emotion.  He also attributes the changes in habits and personality he's experienced over the years to the routine. As a result, he feels the routine is powerful enough to warrants promoting to others.

Some of the highlights of Neal's career in sales and marketing include being named 1994 Loan Originator of the Year for HomeAmerican Mortgage; sister company to Richmond-American Homes. 

In the year 2005 Neal was one of the top paid residential Realtors in Phoenix, Arizona with commissioned earnings in excess of 1.3 million dollars for the year with Liberty Properties.  

Today, at age 76, Neal works at his third career as motivational author and consultant primarily promoting the Accelerated-State Conditioning daily motivational routine. He writes and blogs frequently on on his major website, AcceleratedStateConditioning.com., as well as Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites.  

His self-published  books titled "Accelerated-State Conditioning: A daily motivational routine designed to elevate mood and permanently change behavior; and SuprAffs: Changing Habits With Believable, Specific Affirmations Works Better are currently available on Amazon.com
