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                                          [Book Excerpts]   

"I don’t know what to do!” cried Scrooge, laughing and crying in the same breath; making a perfect Laocoon of himself with his stockings. “I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel,  I am as merry as a school-boy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merry Christmas to everybody! A happy New Year to all the world! Hallo here! hoop! Hallo!” 
(From a Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens.)  

                         Chapter One: Definition: 
                         Wow, that's new and different!

                Some Brief History Regarding ASC's Origin

In 1976 I discovered, quite by accident, a new, unique and powerful idea. A revolutionary concept that has led to the development of an extremely effective tool for elevating positive emotion and permanently changing behavior. Behaviors such as unwanted habits, compulsions and even addictions.

A tool or technique so effective, that with practice, I found that I could get from a normal mood, or even a depression, to feelings of joy and elation within minutes. An idea, which has evolved over the years and has finally resulted in a fast, fun, easy yet powerful, daily motivational routine.

       Some Personal Benefits from Using the Routine

This revolutionary routine has helped me personally, reduce and in some cases even eliminate, depression, introversion, over-eating, sales-call reluctance, alcohol abuse, compulsive gambling and severe stage fright. Although advised at times to consider, in part, using psychiatric medications to alleviate these conditions, I chose to find alternatives. 

Today, at age 75, I'm working, dancing and exercising like some one half my age, without medication or stimulants of any kind. Years of dealing with over-eating, social fears, wide mood swings (especially depression) are virtually gone. And I attribute these blessings primarily to this powerful daily motivational routine which  I’ve 
continually  developed and improved over the years and titled "Accelerated-State Conditioning" or "ASC" for short. 

                   Some Lessons Learned from Using ASC                             
What I feel I’ve learned to develop with the ASC routine, among other things, is an ability to generate an intense change in my "internal chemistry", resulting in an immediate and dramatic elevation in positive emotion (e.g. euphoria and joy) and if I was in a slump, an elevation in positive mood lasting hours. 

For example, with ASC I’ve accidentally learned how to create one or even multiple episodes of frisson “at will” within minutes during the routine. The advantage to this ability is enormous and will be discussed at length thruout the book. 

Frisson is the technical term describing the physiological response commonly called cold chills, thrills or shudders. The type frisson I'm referring to is evidenced by goosebumps or gooseflesh and is usually accompanied by an intense wave of pleasure throughout the body lasting several moments. 

Frisson can be associated with fear but the frisson I'm referring to is evidenced by a moment of intense excitement, sometimes even mild euphoria and may be caused or accompanied by very strong surges or elevated levels in, dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, and many other mood-elevating neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, and neurohormones.  

From all I’ve read, these chemicals are the natural, brain and body-made chemicals associated with positive emotions. And, by flooding my system with such large quantities of these chemicals (far more than life normally generates), my positive emotion escalates dramatically in just a few moments resulting in an immediate “natural high”, similar to a “runner's high” or “stage-performer's high”.

During the routine I’m instantly flooded with intense feelings of euphoria, bliss, and elation!  A condition similar to the one psychologist Paul Pearsall described as “Super Joy” in his book of the same title.  According to Dr. Pearsall “Super joy is the ultimate human experience typically only reported by junkies getting high on unnatural, deadly chemicals”.  A condition that I like to refer to as an “Accelerated-State” because it is a definite notch above what most people describe as normal consciousness (at least in Western culture).

And what I've learned is that I can self-produce episodes of frisson every few seconds during this daily routine using a never before used  conditioning-learning-biofeedback technique.  I've taught myself how to produce and tolerate more endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and related chemicals in five minutes than I’d previously experienced.....

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