[Book Excerpts] 
                               Chapter Six:  History of ASC: 
                       Yep, I can see how that idea sprang forth! 

                               More History on ASC Origins..
I have used ASC a great deal over the years. And I have also promoted it to others upon occasion.  For example, in 1983 I was working at St. Luke's Behavioral Health Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. For a few weeks, I ran an experimental program teaching the routine to patients suffering from depression.  And, I was fortunate enough to get some good results. In fact, some of the patients participating wrote testimonial letters stating they felt it was the most helpful of all the types of therapy on the unit! 
Unfortunately, (or so I felt at the time), the unit told me they didn't have the budget to continue the experiment. We were working with patients on an acute ward where the average stay was only seven days. And, I have since realized that I wasn't even touching on the full power of ASC at that time.
For example, we were not teaching how to create powerful frissons, just how to elevate positive emotion by repeating positive affirmations out loud while smiling and  looking into a mirror.

I also believe now, it takes more like three weeks, rather than seven days, to really get the "hang of it", when it comes to inducing the amount of euphoria I can during an ASC exercise and seeing some permanent reductions in compulsive behavior...

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