[Book Excerpts]   

                              Chapter Two:  The Theory:  
             How can something this fast and fun work so well? 

               Primary Features of Accelerated-State Conditioning

There are four primary features about the ASC motivational routine that make it unique from most types of self-help therapy or exercises designed to elevate mood and eliminate unwanted habits and compulsions. 

The first concept about the ASC routine is that this mental routine is specifically designed to create a temporary state of positive emotion and mood by teaching a person how to deliberately evoke a mild state of euphoria.  A "natural high" if you will.  Some would describe this type of high as a "runners high" or a "stage-performers high".  Technically, this temporary altered-state of consciousness is called hyperthymia. 

This "natural high" is brought about during the Accelerated-State Conditioning routine by combining an original behavioral routine with a unique biofeedback technique designed to produce one or more episodes of frisson ("chills" or "dopamine/endorphin rushes"). Frisson (a french word meaning shudder or shiver, as of excitement, fear, or pleasure) is the technical term for these physiological events. The frisson episodes evoked by Accelerated-State Conditioning are the pleasurable ones like you might get listening to a favorite piece of music.

According to many scientific studies, elevated positive emotion, including those associated with pleasurable episodes of frisson have been associated with a wide range of natural chemicals in the brain and body such as dopamine, and the endorphins.

What I've learned is that we have the ability to manufacture or evoke these chemicals "at will", anytime we wish, and in any quantity we wish. We have an “internal, fully stocked pharmacy” of these "chemicals of positive emotion” and can "pull them off the shelves 24/7".  No prescription requirement, no expense, no violation of government laws; all we have to do is learn how use this revolutionary daily motivational routine and it's ours!

Nature has provided us as human beings with the ability to literally create all the dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, (just some of the chemicals of positive emotion), all of the chemicals that can create a "natural high" of any intensity or degree you wish.  And all of this within a few minutes! 

                              Some Notes of the Highs Created with ASC

Now let me emphasize, the brief "high" created with the ASC routine is not a hypomanic or manic state.  And, I do not try to maintain this euphoric state for more than few minutes. (However, in the past, to combat severe depression, I have used the exercise for much longer periods).  The way I "come off this euphoric high" is with relation techniques. I have studied many relaxation techniques extensively and developed some new ones of my own (as outlined below). These stimulus-reducing techniques allow me the ability to calm down quickly after an ASC routine.  After doing the  routine and then calming down to a normal mood I find myself energized, motivated and in a great mood which lasts for hours, even days!

Of course some rare people are in a more elevated state known as hypomania much of the time, but they are the exception. But again, the idea of the exercise is to put my self into this mild euphoric state for just a few minutes or hours, as needed.  Just long enough to alter my state of consciousness to experience the benefits of the routine. Then the goal is to drop back to a more level and sustainable mood at the end of the routine. 

The benefits of the temporary elevation in positive emotion are many but the primary one to focus on here is that this routine can (once fully learned which takes time) be performed in minutes yet has the potential to leave an “after effect of elevated mood” that can last for literally hours at a time. Even if you have a lot of negative things happening simultaneously you can find yourself staying in a good mood. The old saying “water off of a ducks back” comes to mind, because your elevated mood sort of “insulates” you from reacting negatively to current events. You just sort of find yourself able to handle things better emotionally  when you are in the good mood created by your brief ASC morning routine.

                                     Creating a High with ASC is Optional

Now I certainly don’t feel I have to be depressed to benefit from Accelerated-State Conditioning.  Even though I no longer have significant mood swings I feel I can still benefit dramatically by using the routine to reprogram my subconscious mind for purposes of changing, adding, or altering personality features, such as unwanted habits, compulsions, etc., or for a number of other good reasons, especially for theoretically reducing chronic pain and boosting the immune system as outlined below.  

                             Personal Experiences Regarding the Highs 

As stated, the euphoria I'm describing above is intense! What I have possibly have developed with ASC, is the ability to open the positive emotional-chemical floodgates of the mind and use the body's ability to create many brain-made (and body-made), mood-elevating chemicals in an extremely short period of time. 

We've all heard about or experienced the profound feelings of excitement that come from high risk sports and occupations. When people are asked why they take these risks they tell us that it is the only way they can feel "truly alive".  Well this is exactly the type of joyful feelings that come about when I experience the endorphin/dopamine rushes I'm describing in this book. During the ASC routine I feel I have learned for the very first time what powerful positive emotions are available to human beings!  After learning to use ASC I felt I truly understood for the first time what it feels like to be "walking on cloud 9"!

                                ASC's Sub-conscious Programming May Be
                                      Stronger When Mood is Elevated

The second unique concept of Accelerated-State Conditioning is that, in my opinion, the learning (conditioning, re-programming, habit destruction and formation), that takes place during the ASC routine, while excited (mildly euphoric), is much more effective and permanent than any learning that occurs while doing similar motivational routines in a calm or relaxed mood!  Now, scientific research pretty much supports my 35 year belief... 

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